Last night the sky over my home was blue velvet. Dark, as the evening mistress always is; and yet bright enough to see towards the horizon. Thin sheets of lint-shaped clouds crawled along the surface of the heavy blue sky above me, like mist clinging to the ocean.
A three-quarter moon shone underneath, doing everything it could to push it's light through the cotton cloud covering. Even though I could not see it clearly, there was no mistaking how brilliant it's light was.
And then, for a moment, there was a small break - a tiny window in the sky. The moon broke through, and I could see it as clearly as I see you in my mind sometimes.
A three-quarter moon shone underneath, doing everything it could to push it's light through the cotton cloud covering. Even though I could not see it clearly, there was no mistaking how brilliant it's light was.
And then, for a moment, there was a small break - a tiny window in the sky. The moon broke through, and I could see it as clearly as I see you in my mind sometimes.
- It was very late.