Dressing for the Weather

Almost a week back, trying to catch the groove. Somehow my energy feels wrong, like part of me is here, but part of me is still somewhere else. The reflexes are returning, but it's like the stairs are a little further apart than I remember, and it stretches my legs to walk them in ways my muscles don't recall.

But what's most weird is how time starts to stretch without the familiar companions. Days seemed to stretch forever, strangely slowed down from their carefree vacation time predecesors, leaving me wondering how it was at all I seemed to get nothing done when there were so many hours to do things in..

While students worked Flowers For Algernon in class yesterday, I finished 2 novels. Short novels, sure -- but suddenly I'm reading like a starving man again, looking for something outside, something different.

       All too aware of my own cycles and phases, this worries me a little...

Plus, an old shadow has been creeping into my dreams. Spurred by a shortcut I've been taking home and the particular memories that will always remain wrapped around the particular 5 miles I drive just to shave 10 minutes off my ride, I've been finding myself on playgrounds from my past, watching sunrises that have long since gone away.

...I mean, It's not like I didn't realize where that road went, but I guess I never expected to wake up in the middle of the night all these years later with the taste of shiverkiss fresh on my tongue.

      Time away
      Mind astray

                  ... and there you are.
                  There you always are.