So often it seems the things that you want to do get lost in what people think you're trying to do. Sometimes this world feels like a difficult place to accomplish wordlessly cool tasks.
I'm guilty of it myself, assuming trancers before testing them with the glowing bracelet; but I guess after so many years it becomes easy to believe that you can tell the squids from the living just by looking at them. Somehow though, it also becomes difficult to believe that some things are ever going to be any different.
...perhaps that's part of the problem, too.
Type, erase. Write, delete. Paint the line, wipe the canvas. Compose the song without writing down the notes. Burn the CD without checking the tracks. Where is my voice here anymore?
...and while I'm asking questions, can anyone tell me what \m/ stands for?
I'm guilty of it myself, assuming trancers before testing them with the glowing bracelet; but I guess after so many years it becomes easy to believe that you can tell the squids from the living just by looking at them. Somehow though, it also becomes difficult to believe that some things are ever going to be any different.
...perhaps that's part of the problem, too.
Type, erase. Write, delete. Paint the line, wipe the canvas. Compose the song without writing down the notes. Burn the CD without checking the tracks. Where is my voice here anymore?
...and while I'm asking questions, can anyone tell me what \m/ stands for?