
Last night my head was dirty water, unclear with clouds floating through currents without ever finding a place to settle. Last night I found myself in the same places I seem to find myself anymore, but without the same filters to keep it from becoming a problem.

Last night, mired in my own bullshit, I looked over at the fish tank and noticed that the water was really cloudy, kinda tinged with yellow and green. We had added a second fish recently, sort of as a companion to the one who had happily been swimming around in there for a few months now.

He seemed ...lonely.
It felt like the right thing to do.

Last night I decided that I'd clean the fish tank ...first thing in the morning.

      This morning the new fish was dead.

In a panic, in a guilt - I put the old fish in a different fishbowl while I cleaned the tank. I emptied the water, changed out the gravel, and did all of the little things I should have done... last night.

The fish looked uncomfortable in the old tank that used to be his, but at least the water was clean. At least he could breathe. I took a shower and got myself dressed so that I could head out and get a new filter for the tank.

When I came out of the bedroom, the other fish was dead.

...Just floating there, in crystal clear water.

            When I don't take care of things, they die.

                                                  ...when I don't take care of things, they die.