Crystalline Green

Half awake eyes and a shiverkiss smile. We come not to praise Caesar Romero, but to ignore his films as the potential grows towards kinetic, the words are left unsaid, and a stare holds the key to what once seemed like an almost forgotten forever.

              Facts are simple and facts are straight

This is what I want. But off in the ether Aimee Mann is singing in my ear. Fading out slowly 'til Tuesday is just a few hours old -- telling me these things that I've already come to know. That no road is ever truly straight. That no angles can exist within a circle. That clarity is the key. Clarity is the goal. Clarity is the lie.

              Facts are lazy and facts are late

It's not the struggle to break from the bottle; it's what to do with the wineglass at the wedding. The water bottle at the bar. The cigarette on the cold day. The skipped workout before Thanksgiving. The Cheshire smiles in the moon...

              Facts all come with points of view

Of course this is the way things are happening. Of course everything seems to remind. Of course this is when. Of course the streetlights are flashing. Of course the rain is clouding the windscreen. Of course the pages aren't marked.

              Facts don't do what I want them to...

That's the way things have always been. It's just that I couldn't see it.

Didn't see it.
...didn't want to see it.

But I see it now. As clear as Fenimore Cooper and Michael Mann. History spun into fiction idealized and burned onto celluloid. I see it for what it is. I see it, and I'm staring.

                         I'm staring at you.

[Listening to: Goldfrapp, "Hairy Trees"
