
Well, I'd better get this out in the open before everyone reads Jose Canseco's book and finds out for themselves:

I'm on performance enhancing drugs
Between fighting off the cold bug that's been hanging around the school and trying to prep my body for this race, I've been putting away about a quart of orange juice a day. And while I'm sure that it's good for me in some form or another, the side effects are starting to become a bear.

For instance, I'm finding myself punched full of energy at times when no one else is. I'm already a total nightowl as it is, but now it's like I'm completely wired at an hour when there is absolutley nothing else to do but watch Carson Daily's Last Call while wondering why you are actually paying attention to it in the first place.

Unfortunatley the answer is that by that time of night, the only thing that's on the six other channels I can get are reruns of Fear Factor. And as much as I loved Joe Rogan as a standup, there's only so many times I can watch white people walk slowly towards the camera without wishing that one of them would get hit by a car.

It makes me pine for the better sides of some of my former online diversions. The late night banter with cum-room ninnies, online domino games with friends, music chats, all those silly things. And there's part of me that wonders about walking that line again - mining for the good while not digging out the poisons... but I'm not sure I trust myself 100% yet.

It's a weird thing for me to say,
...but there it is, you know?
Anyways, where was I?

Oh yeah -- so the other night Carson is talking to Bob Costas about their favorite gangster rappers, and I started to get the impression that Carson doesn't really do a lot of prep for any of his interviews. Basically his entire show seems built around killing time and stalling until Interpol comes on to perform.

yeesh.. Interpol?

      On second thought,
      let's go see what kind of
      bugs they're making the
      white people eat tonight
[Listening to: Ice Cube, "Wicked"
