many thanks to Mayor McCheese, this was fun!
Book Meme tagback for James
(courtesy of Alexandria), from me.
(courtesy of Alexandria), from me.
1. Total number of books in your house:
Bloody hell, who knows. I moved into this place almost a month ago, but I only just unpacked the books and got them set up last week. The shelves are stacked a couple of layers deep, and what (among other things) the picture doesn't show is that there's a stack of novels and things that I couldn't jam in there stacked vertically beside the shelf. Not to mention I also have a bunch of titles from my collection stored in my classroom at the school so I can show the kids the kinds of things that I like to read when we discuss such things. If I had to guess, I might say I have like 150-200 books floating around my possesion.
2. The last book you bought was:
There's this tiny used bookstore in St. Nicholas that I used to go to whenever I dropped in on this guitar/electronics shop called Active Electronics. When tragedy struck and they shut that place down, I kinda lost touch with The Old Book Shop. But just 2 weeks ago I spent about an hour or so wandering through their shelves and found a hardback copy of Delta of Venus by Anais Nin. But the absolute best part of trip came when I stumbled across this absolutley gorgeous 1947 clothbound reprint of Omar Khayyam's original Rubaiyat complete with full-color plates for just ten bucks!
3. The last book you finished was:
I've had so many outside things going on in my life that it's been really hard to keep up with all the reading that I say I'm going to do. I try to have set reading times in my class where everyone (including myself) reads from a novel, but lately I've been skipping out on my own assignment as I try to sew up all this end of year paperwork. Still, just last week I was able to finish up Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas which I read about once a year, because I love it so much. Before that though I absolutley TORE through Cintra Wilson's latest, Colors Insulting to Nature which utterly rocked the casbah, and everyone should pick up a copy and read it NOW.
4. 5 books you often read or that mean a lot to you:
As much as I love discovering new writers and ideas, I'm a habitual re-reader, and probably always will be. Like I said above, I just got through Fear and Loathing, and if I get the time I'll probably go back through some of the books that I'm always dog-earing and running to for inspiration or quotes from, like Gatsby, Alice in Wonderland, Kerouac's On The Road, The Nick Adams Stories by Hemmingway, and various titles from McInerney, Palahniuk, and Murakami.
5. Who you're going to pass this along to and why:
Hopefully a lot of people will pick up this ball and run with it. I have so many friends that are great readers (and writers) that it's always fun to talk shop.
So come on and bring it, yo!
[Listening to: Breaking Benjamin, "Polyamorous"]