Disconnect. Misconnect. Wishconnect. Westconett. Signal transmitted, message received (reaction making impact invisibly). Nothing connects close enough to feel, everything's a shadow of an overemphasized past. Shape the future, save the world. Wonder twin powers activate to form stream of consciousness obscenities. The world's your oyster soup kitchen floor wax museum. Listen to the Talking Heads Stop Making Sense.
Toss. Turn. Stretch.
That's what you tell yourself.
Toss. Turn. Stretch.
Where's that noise coming from?You wake up on the couch. After all, it's your couch. You can sleep there anytime you want. Just curl up and let the sand cover your eyes. Every time you wake up on the couch is just another time you went from watching TV to some mulicolored dream of your own making without noticing the transition. Every morning you wake up on the couch is another day you don't wake up in your bed. Every night you don't sleep in your bed is another day you won't wake up to find no one there.
..What time is it!?
That's what you tell yourself.
Then you get in the car.
Then you drive to work.Everyone says Hi.
[Listening to: David Bowie, "Life on Mars?"]