Bobby Pin

Things I don't understand. Questions I can't answer. Nights I don't want to end, days that go on forever. All this week wishing I could be home instead of at work, only to find myself pacing the floor for most of the day today wondering what to do with myself.
There's a picture in my room
that moves from place to place.
I hide it away, and
then I bring it back
Lying on the bed, cat sleeping on my chest, turning you over and over in my hand. Forms and functions, a smooth that surprises. Alien familiar. An everyday convienence that I'll probably never know or need. A million of these and change have been where I've been, lived in my house, and curled against my toes. But did I ever really notice them the way that I'm seeing you today?

Amidst my fascination, a puzzled kitten look comes back at me, wondering what I'm staring at. Wondering just what it is that I see.

After all, it's just a small little thing
like a bobby pin on a dresser
[Listening to: Mugison, "Murr Murr"]
