Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle

It's Sunday night. Two days later it seems that all of the weekend's mall maneuvers and online shopping sorties have paid off. There's a stack of presents for friends and family in the other room waiting to be wrapped (although as anyone who knows me can attest, that's probably going to be an adventure unto itself).

All things considered I probably went a little overboard (like I seem to do every year) -- which, considering my recent unemployment and resulting financial status means that this little holiday spree will probably put me into more of a hole than I was originally hoping for, but I feel like it's all going be worth it in the end when the paper is shredded away and faces light up with smiles and surprise.

Because despite the loneliness, the debt, and all the distances between..
I still love this stinking holiday.
[Listening to: Oasis, "Wonderwall"]
