Foster Grant

About a week ago as I was stumbling out of Mark's, I came across a pair of fake eyeglasses on the ground near my parking spot. There was no one else around that might have dropped or lost them, so it only made sense (in my slightly-inebriated state) to claim them for myself.

Soon after, bespectacled me headed home quoting lines from Shakespeare, old James Bond movies, and various Monty Python sketches -- all which seemed to be sound a lot more authentic coming from someone wearing glasses. The fun only lasted so long though as I soon arrived at home, dropped them off on the bathroom counter, and then passed out for the night.

But ever since then I've found myself putting them on from time to time and mugging for mirrors. Not that I'm mocking those of you who actually have to wear glasses, or trying to belittle any periods of awkwardness you might have had to endure while having to wear them during various high-schoolish points in your life -- but simply because there are a number of dramatic poses and postures that only people who wear glasses can really pull off (and those of us who don't secretly feel that we're missing out on).

Eventually this hobby turned a bit obsessive, and with the help of the webcam and a listless Sunday afternoon became something of an theatrical production complete with various members of my family, occasional helpings of booze, and various crap I found laying around the apartment.
Needless to say the results are somewhat embarrasing and as such -- must be shared.
[Listening to: Tones on Tail, "Go"]
