Guess Girl

What's this collective gasp? What's with all these surprised phone calls and blog entries? Could it be that we all suddenly feel bad now? Are we all really so self-righteous enough to think that somehow this was society's fault?
Grow the fuck up.
Life doesn't play fair. Shit happens, and it happens hard. Just because somebody danced around in Kanye’s video doesn't mean you get to feel guilty and somehow take credit for it.

Veterinarians tell you not to give chocolate to dogs, but people still try to do it. The thing about it though is that most of the time the animal won't actually eat it, or they'll force it back up a little later. But there's always that one. That one that will. That one who is so happy for any attention you want to give it that they'd rather die than say no.

Her child died. Probably the only pure thing she had, and it was taken away from her. But you know what -- things like that happen every day. Gunshots go through walls, brakes lock up, swimming pool gates aren't shut all the way. A million different diseases in a million different cities all across the world. Every one of these things a butterfly flapping its wings only to become a hurricane somewhere else.

Remember that one kid in school -- the one who didn't really know how to handle himself in social situations, the one who didn't have the coordination for sports, the one who had to wear those glasses? The girl who's body developed early? The kid who was a little heavier than all the others?

You don't think they wanted to be beautiful, graceful, or athletic? You think people wanted that extra weight on their shoulders, around their waist, or strapped to their eyes?

But we didn't care. We didn't see them as people. They were tools, ways to divert the spotlight away from our own flaws and insecurities. So we pushed, we cut, and we learned the hard way about the darkness that hides inside each and every one of us.

So don't come to me with your after the fact guilt. Don't sit there in your TV studio and point fingers at something that happened and try to convince me that this is what's wrong with the world's morals today, that somehow this wouldn't have happened if she'd just stayed in that trailer park and hadn't tried to be something more.

Yeah she was a train wreck. Yes she lived her life off her looks, her body, and the bad decisions she couldn't seem to keep from making. And I fully admit it -- I looked. I watched. I pointed, and I laughed. We all did. Sure she could have done a lot of things differently, and maybe taken the opportunities and success she was given to rise above the image and become something better.
..But she didn't.
And you know what?
Sometimes you don't either.
Sometimes all you or I can manage is a grudging acceptance of the frames our pictures sit inside while we try to find comfort inside the reality show we live in every day. So go home tonight and hug your kids. Call up your friends and go somewhere fun. Relish every moment you have, and be thankful that there aren't cameras in your face every time the clouds in your life turn to rain.

Just promise me one thing:
If Elton John even tries to write a song about this
you'll be right there with me when I kick his ass.
[Listening to: NonPoint, "Rabia"]
