The Spheres Are in Commotion

I was never really any good in my science classes in school. Too much math, not enough essay assignments where I could blind the teacher with wordplay -- it just wasn't my thing. But I loved labs. Setting things on fire, cutting up frogs, mixing chemicals, all that stuff was what I wished for every day I walked into class. I know you need one facet of the class to truly understand the other, but I would have been completely happy to just go in every day, put on the goggles and gloves and rock it.
That's not the way it works though -- so the only
real science I do these days is mixing my own drinks.
Maybe that's what makes it so weird for me to work for a medical technology company. Because even though my job is all about the research and the reports, the office I work at is basically one big science lab. The people who manufacture the products spend half their day looking into microscopes, and there are research labs in every department. The surgical instruments we make have to be tested, qualified, documented, wined, dined, sixty-nined, cuddled with afterwards, and called the next day before they can ever be sold. So it's not uncommon for me as I run around the place getting to meetings or getting approval for my projects to see people all lab-coated up and getting their science on.

In particular there is this one research lab I pass by almost every day that I always catch myself looking into. Partially because there's this gorgeous girl working in there, but also because that's the lab where they're always doing the really crazy stuff (OK, it's mostly the hottie -- but there have been times when I've passed by and seen the team inside looking at things with black lights in the dark, mixing things under open flames, or whatever).

But the other day when I passed by there I saw something I still haven't quite figured out, mainly because even though it was clearly there -- no one seemed to be paying attention to it all:
A series of electrodes and cables
..plugged into a ham.
[Listening to: System of a Down, "Cigaro"]
