But perhaps worse than all of these things combined is the factNow before you start looking at me funny, lets make sure we've got something straight here -- he's not a very good actor. Despite all of his successes and experience, Keanu seems to lack the versatility and vulnerability it takes to be able to create a diverse range of characters. He also seems totally incapable of delivering comedic lines that are not supported by visual gags.
that after all these years I'm still an apologist for Keanu Reeves.
If that weren't enough, during any scene where he's expected to interact with other human beings it's almost laughable how much trouble his characters have seeming like they actually give a crap.Or to put it another way -- had I been the director on Point Break we'd probably still be doing takes of the scene where his sergeant asks him if he has anything remotely interesting to report about his investigation and Keanu replies "I caught my first tube today... Sir.".
In short, watching Reeves fumble his way through films like Hardball or The Replacements (Gene Hackman.. Why!?) is the cinematic equivalent of trying to teach a toddler to take his first steps. There's a lot of wobbling and falling involved, and even when they get it right it's still probably a couple years away from being an effective mode of transportation.
All that being said, I stand by my belief that without him The Matrix wouldn't have worked at all.

In other words, Keanu may not be able to make me believe he's a different person on screen, but there are few people in Hollywood better suited to doing what's necessary to convince me that a robotic surveillance insect that infiltrates your body through your bellybutton is actually something that I wouldn't want to run into.Which isn't always as easy to pull off as it sounds.
Love it or hate it, this is the effects age of cinema. Great actors and actresses can still create great drama, but it takes a certain breed of performer to look at a green screen 10 hours a day and continually make an audience believe that there's actually something to be amazed and frightened by towering over them on the other side.
But above that, Keanu has a knack for portraying the all-too-familiar formula of someone seeming like a fish out of water in the beginning of a story, only to become the confident hero at the end.
It's the simplest of dramatic tricks, but it's truly amazingThe best example I have of this is in Return of the Jedi -- where an older, focused Luke Skywalker is supposed to have reached a level of Jedi strength and mastery that enables him to be the kind of threat that even the Emperor fears. This concept is meant to be established in the first scene where Mark Hamill marches unopposed into Jabba the Hutt's palace all dressed in bad-ass black to demand the release of Han Solo -- only to attempt snatching a gun out of some dude's holster to try and shoot the giant slug when his request is refused.
how many people have trouble with it when given the chance.
Which is why when directors make films that require someone to overcome their air of self-centeredness to team up with Ice-T, Henry Rollins, and a talking dolphin to take down an evil corporation intent on.. whatever the hell the deal with that film was supposed to be -- they know they can rely on Keanu to get the job done.Bringing a blaster to a saber fight -- what kind of bitch move is that?

Which is why when Keanu laid out and dodged bullets in slow motion, no one in the audience shouted out "I am Ted from San Dimas, and I bring to you a message of love!"The problem is that most of us seen Reeves long enough to grow sick of his act. And at 43, he's getting too old for teenagers to identify with or wish they could act just like. Yet despite what it may seem, it's actually a lot harder to find "everyman" actors who can handle the reigns of a movie where they are the central character, but not the actual thing that draws people into the theater.
Which is why the next ten years of our moviegoing lives will probably belong to Shia LaBeouf.

LeBeouf's job in these movies is an easy one -- give the audience a reason to go from robot fight to robot fight, but first and foremost -- stay out of the way of the concept. Give us someone to identify with, but don't make it too human. Think Independence Day -- where the destruction and action were the real draws of the movie, but how much fun was it when Will Smith showed up and started punching rubber puppets in the face?
At the same time he's got his work cut out for him if he really wants to be a star. Think about all the big summer films from the last few years -- how many of the actors in those films really stuck with audiences the way the studios were hoping they would? Sure the movies made a lot of money -- but most big-time summer movies do. But ask yourself this -- who's the last actor who rose above a blockbuster to become that next big thing the way Johnny Depp did when Pirates of the Caribbean took off?
Sure they've had box office success and still draw fans -- but can we honestly say any of these actors have reached the appeal level that the guys in Oceans 148 (or whatever number they're up to this year) have?Jake Gyllenhaal?
Orlando Bloom?
Tobey Maguire?
Think about it for a second -- whatever happened to Vin Diesel? How fast did people wise up and get sick of Ben Affleck? How is it that I'm totally pumped about Bruce Willis dragging John Mcclane out of the mothballs for what might be the most implausible installment of Die Hard to date, yet couldn't care less about anything Hugh Jackman plans to do ..ever?
There's starring in, and there's being a star -- and they're really two different things.
And if you don't think that's true -- just ask Oscar
winner Cuba Gooding Jr. what he's been working on lately.
[Listening to: Incubus - "Deep Inside" ]