A couple of months from now one of my oldest and dearest friends John Spruill will be getting married. It's sorta weird for me as a guy to be so excited for a wedding, but it's mainly because I'm really happy for my friend. I mean, Spruill pulled himself up from the humblest of beginnings, worked his ass off, and succeeded at everything he's ever put his efforts to because of it. So when I heard that after many years of happy bachelorhood he'd decided to settle down you just knew it was because he'd found somebody truly worth taking that step with, and that together they'd outshine us all.
Not because Spruill would steal a girl away from me (because he's not that kind of guy), but because I was worried that after a certain amount of time getting to know him, they would basically forget who I was altogether and run away with the dude.
Whether it's a product of insecurity or specific past histories I can't really say, but there are things about myself that I know are problematic when it comes to putting my best foot forward. Everyone has their own grab bag of faults and shortcomings I suppose, but it was odd to kind of grow up with a guy who I always felt was so strong in many of the specific things that I tended to think were lacking in myself.
And it would have been a totally different thing if Spruill was a complete dick, or even had a dark side that came out when he was tired, or angry, or whatever -- but the guy has a heart the size of the Pacific Ocean, and has since the first moment I've ever met him.
Not only was this one of the guys who first helped teach me to surf, but he basically gave me my first surfboard (the Ocean Arrow) out of his personal collection, and was always more than happy to make the extra drive to my house to take me out to the beach whenever he and the guys wanted to hit the water.
Add to all that the fact that he's smart as a whip, has travelled to almost every continent on the globe, keeps in great shape, succeeded in almost every business he's ever started, which has left him way more than financially secure even in this economy -- and basically what I'm saying is:
Unfortunately one side effect of this particular sense of self-awareness is that we tend to become hyper aware of those qualities when they show up in the people we hang out with. I think women do a lot of this too -- comparing and contrasting who they are with their surroundings and ending up with a skewed sense of self because of it, but I've come to think that maybe because of the way our society has developed over the years that the negative affect for women might be more in the physical realm (read: body consciousness, fashion envy, etc.) than it is for guys -- who I think now more than ever take it on the mental chin when it comes to envying what the guy next door has.
In other words, you can be 4'3", fat and uncoordinated as hell -- but when you watch football on Sundays what angers you most isn't the fact that a guy with Tom Brady's chiseled looks gets to be an NFL quarterback and bang supermodels as much as you lament not having the discipline to stick with pop Warner ball when they were younger, because if they'd just put in the time they would totally be in the league right now.
Remember back in school when you were head over heels for someone who didn't even know you were alive because you didn't have a letterman jacket or drive a cool car?
I'm sure we can all come up with the names of the people who were drooled over by the boys or girls that you would have done anything to have spent time with. People that didn't even know they were messing up your world by simply being good looking and appearing to have their shit together most of the time. No matter what high school we went to, everyone had a Jake Ryan to contend with.
And that sorta got me thinking -- who would have been the worst of the bunch? I mean, I know a lot of movie star biographies try to sell you on the fact that Angelina Jolie was an awkward teenager and never really had any luck with the boys or whatever -- and I'm sure that kind of thing happens now and then, but in my mind I'm thinking it has to be the exception to the rule.
In fact I'm starting to think I might have been luckier than I originally thought to only have had women I liked stolen away by the Rick Kicks and Ben Heise's of the world -- because when you really think about it, things could have been a hell of a lot worse.
But the best part is that now I can finally introduce him to the women in my life.Because as much as I love the guy, John Spruill was the one friend that I was always afraid to bring any of my girlfriends around. In fact, I specifically remember telling j that there was no way in hell I was taking the risk of letting her hang out with him until I saw a ring on his finger.
Not because Spruill would steal a girl away from me (because he's not that kind of guy), but because I was worried that after a certain amount of time getting to know him, they would basically forget who I was altogether and run away with the dude.
Whether it's a product of insecurity or specific past histories I can't really say, but there are things about myself that I know are problematic when it comes to putting my best foot forward. Everyone has their own grab bag of faults and shortcomings I suppose, but it was odd to kind of grow up with a guy who I always felt was so strong in many of the specific things that I tended to think were lacking in myself.
And it would have been a totally different thing if Spruill was a complete dick, or even had a dark side that came out when he was tired, or angry, or whatever -- but the guy has a heart the size of the Pacific Ocean, and has since the first moment I've ever met him.
Not only was this one of the guys who first helped teach me to surf, but he basically gave me my first surfboard (the Ocean Arrow) out of his personal collection, and was always more than happy to make the extra drive to my house to take me out to the beach whenever he and the guys wanted to hit the water.
Add to all that the fact that he's smart as a whip, has travelled to almost every continent on the globe, keeps in great shape, succeeded in almost every business he's ever started, which has left him way more than financially secure even in this economy -- and basically what I'm saying is:
Guys are like that sometimes -- overlooking the various strengths of our own personalities as much as we realize our weaknesses. In fact, I would argue that a large part of the definition of a real man lays somewhere in accepting and overcoming those things in yourself as you grow up from boyhood without becoming a total a-hole in the process.Hell no you can't meet him.
Unfortunately one side effect of this particular sense of self-awareness is that we tend to become hyper aware of those qualities when they show up in the people we hang out with. I think women do a lot of this too -- comparing and contrasting who they are with their surroundings and ending up with a skewed sense of self because of it, but I've come to think that maybe because of the way our society has developed over the years that the negative affect for women might be more in the physical realm (read: body consciousness, fashion envy, etc.) than it is for guys -- who I think now more than ever take it on the mental chin when it comes to envying what the guy next door has.
In other words, you can be 4'3", fat and uncoordinated as hell -- but when you watch football on Sundays what angers you most isn't the fact that a guy with Tom Brady's chiseled looks gets to be an NFL quarterback and bang supermodels as much as you lament not having the discipline to stick with pop Warner ball when they were younger, because if they'd just put in the time they would totally be in the league right now.
Because even if the worst thing a guy looking for love can have is mountains of self-doubt or baseless insecurities, that doesn't mean if we can find a way out of those pitfalls we're automatically home free. Especially if you're having to compete for attention against someone who clearly has a better handle on his game than you do.But that doesn't mean we want to be in the same room with the guy if we're trying to make time with the ladies.
Remember back in school when you were head over heels for someone who didn't even know you were alive because you didn't have a letterman jacket or drive a cool car?
I'm sure we can all come up with the names of the people who were drooled over by the boys or girls that you would have done anything to have spent time with. People that didn't even know they were messing up your world by simply being good looking and appearing to have their shit together most of the time. No matter what high school we went to, everyone had a Jake Ryan to contend with.
And that sorta got me thinking -- who would have been the worst of the bunch? I mean, I know a lot of movie star biographies try to sell you on the fact that Angelina Jolie was an awkward teenager and never really had any luck with the boys or whatever -- and I'm sure that kind of thing happens now and then, but in my mind I'm thinking it has to be the exception to the rule.
In fact I'm starting to think I might have been luckier than I originally thought to only have had women I liked stolen away by the Rick Kicks and Ben Heise's of the world -- because when you really think about it, things could have been a hell of a lot worse.
5 Guys I'm Really Glad I Didn't Go to School WithBonus Listing: 5 Guys Who You Might Have Thought Would Have Been on This List, and the Reasons They Didn't Make It.
[Listening to: Motograter – "Suffocate" ]
I laughed. I cried the blog became a part of me...
Anyhoo re: the Spruill love fest, he's always been able to make me better while being around him. That is real leadership. On the court, talking me into rappelling, manning up while sick on the LJRWS, whatever. Spruill for president.
It is almost nauseating... if he weren't such a good guy.
mmmm *happy thoughts*
Dane Cook - oh hell yes!! Douchbag or not, I'd hit.
Johnny Depp - Yumm, but not until he played in Chocolat for me.And then Jack Sparrow -ahhh he could so get the booty.
Werdna -- Honestly, I'd vote for him. Who wouldn't want a president who's motto is "Don't worry about it brah, I've got a van!"
Werdna II -- My job wasn't to make you a better person. My purpose was to make sure you never had to play distant early warning alone. Also to help manage the amount of pasta in your cabinets.
WIGSF -- In his defense, that's probably not the best pic of the Davey, but it's not like the better photos change the story. He's a guy that looks like a pretty girl, kinda like that H.I.M. doofus that all my old 8th grade students wanted to bone. I don't get it, but I saw it run wild first hand.
Adam -- It's addictive, isn't it?
Anitra -- This is what I'm saying. Sooo glad I never had to work the same room as that guy.
Frank -- Did you say Fuck Dane Cook in the end? I guess it works either way.
Shay -- Dane Cook, really? I don't get it. Handsome guy and all, but clearly an ass. Doesn't that factor in at all?