He's a Card Player, Gambler, Scoundrel -- You'd Like Him

Regardless of who you choose to vote for, it's never been more important to get out there and do it. By this point it's probably pretty obvious how my ballot will be cast -- and while I make no apologies for supporting Barack Obama, I've also really appreciated the discussions from all sides that have sparked up in the comments during the past year or so. Regardless of how this turns out -- the most important thing this country can have is open discussions and debates about the issues that can lead us to making the right decisions for our country and our future.
Besides, all of those negative attack ads on TV were really starting to get old.
Seriously, get out there and vote.

[Listening To: Kings X"Dogman" ]


Heff said…
Done. Now to head home, and rest my head in my hands....
Werdna said…
I got up at 6:30 to vote (after copious work until 1:30am).

Yup. I'm all about the democracy.
Hex said…
Heff -- I do honestly think even though the candidate you supported lost, that the winner will be the kind of president that will consider all sides before making decisions.

Werdna -- It's amazing how strong the turnout was. It should always be like that.

btw, Prop 8. I'm angry at your state, bro.
Anonymous said…
Prop 8 was not my fault.
Hex said…
Werdna -- Not mad at you, bro. Just mad. (Florida passed one too, which wasn't my fault either..)