Little fucker ate the power cable for my laptop.So once the battery gave out, I was basically without a computer at home -- all while getting slammed with project crap at work. It was one of those sobering moments where I was reminded just how tethered I am to my gadgets and technology, because without the laptop I was essentially shut down. By the time everything was all said and done -- there just wasn't the time or opportunity to really post much of anything this week.
Anyways, there's a storm sitting on top of Jacksonville right now, dark gray skies and spider lightning crossing the sky. The rain sounds nice when you're inside, but the songs on the radio keep cutting out every few minutes with warnings about tornadoes and hail.
Just been one of those weeks.But like all storms, this one too shall pass. The sun will eventually knife through the clouds and we'll all start again.
So until then -- here's one in honor of the man and the day gone by.No doubt, dudes game was tight.
[Listening to: Run DMC - "Down With the King" ]
Also, if you don't already, have LOTS of crap around that they CAN chew on. I've found pig hooves are usually a favorite with puppies, and you can also get stuff like rib bones and pieces of femur which will last a long time and give them some variety.
Glad you are back up and running... *sad puppy dog eyes* don't forget my special project I asked about...I'm such a brat lol
i've always liked dr mlk jr bc of his work during the movement, but also because i always get a 3-day weekend for my birthday.
Kaiser -- sounds great. I'll check it out. He's got tons of chew toys, but he tends to move on from them when he wants more attention. Brat.
wigsf -- It's one of my favorite photos of him. His life story outside of his accomplishments is hard to come by, but it's filled with fascinating stuff.
Bef -- it's in the works, no worries.
Jersey -- Having this puppy has made me appreciate my cats so much more. Their assembled coolness simply cannot be matched.