To try to explain Die Antwoord would be to suggest that I know what they're about.

They mix rapid-fire lyrics from a guy named Ninja filtered through electronica-sounding beats, all of which is accented by high-pitched, cartoony sounding vocal lines (and occasional rapping) from singer Yo-Landi Vi$$er -- who also provides plenty of unwanted Pedobear appeal as it appears that she's no more than 13 or 14 years old and in their wildly viral Internet videos is always pretty much wiggling around and trying to disrobe, despite no one really asking or wanting her to.Which is a fancy way of saying ..well, nothing.
Essentially, they're the Black Eyed Peas on acid.

It's weird though -- because there's sort of this mix of ideas going on with Die Antwoord that (at least in my opinion) strongly contradict each other. Either they're sort of white trash dirty way way way way south types who embrace their impoverished state so much that they've made it a part of their image and expression -- or they're shrewd, technologically savvy marketers with impressive lyrical chops and an understanding of how for a lot of people tired of slick pop produced music that the grungier an act looks, the better.Even if you don't like this music (and I fully admit it's an acquired taste) check out the secret chamber. True interactive weirdness like this is definitely worth a few moments of your time.
And whether that weirdness is a calculated move or just a side effect of living at the bottom of the world in a place where ones national, racial, or personal identity is sort of a guessing game (not to mention the fact that these three appear to be really, really high most of the time) and what you get is pretty much unlike most anything else you're hearing right now.Is it end-of-the-world great? Hardly.But it is high-energy, catchy as hell, and above all -- kinda weird.
One word of advice though: Don't sit too close to the monitor when you watch this one --There's ..wigglage.
[Listening to: DJ Khaled - "All I Do Is Win (feat. T-Pain, Ludacris, Rick Ross & Snoop Dogg)" ]
What's bizarre is if you start listening closely to the longer raps. Some of that shit gets seriously weird, and you need to listen to fast slang for minutes on end to get there. If you don't pay attention, they are throwing some bizarre shit at you without your knowledge. I don't have time to memorize it all, but I chewed on this for a few days about a month back.
OOOOH. The street animator. Muto.
and that secret chamber....I'm officially cross-eyed now...thanks
I'm gonna have to jam EXTRA-HARD with Butlik tonight to wash THIS funk off of me !
But this has been coming back up on the ipod lately (especially the longer songs, "I am a ninja" in particular) and I've been enjoying it a lot more than before, although I have no idea what the difference is. Does that ever happen to you?
unMuse -- One of the things I love about communication forums like this is the way the dominoes get set up and knocked over. I wasn't really aware of Muto until you were reminded of him by this thing I put up. Cool how that works :)
Bef -- It's certainly not for everyone, but I appreciate that you gave it a chance. And yeah, that secret chamber is all kinds of weird.
Hef -- Lather, Rawk, Rinse, Repeat.
Any waaaaaay, as weird as that little bit of interactive media was, it just made me miss those David Firth cartoons like Salad Fingers (which is now a game for Wii!! *squee*) and Spoilsbury Toast Boy.