I Don't Even Know

But I love it anyways.
Say something you shouldn't ™.

[Listening to:  Groove Collective - "Rentstrike" ]


Hex said…
Apologies in advance -- but this is just too good. Chances are I'll be re-posting this pretty much every chance I get.
unMuse said…
"say something you shouldn't"?

So.. you're stealing from OHN now?

Hex said…
unMuse -- Nobody asked for your facts and examples. (lol)
Hex said…
Unmuse / Bef -- there you go, happy now?
Qucifer said…
Bwahahahahahhahaha This just crowned my day like a little ever so perfect cherry!
unMuse said…
hahah Hex - I'm just surprised you thought no one would notice (or call you on it).
unMuse said…
Ps. I love the gif. It's all:

JerseySjov said…
if that kid was chinese she'd be my little cousin. ive seen that face many a time at family reunions haha
Hex said…
Qucifer -- Glad I could make you smile.

unMuse -- It's Slaus' birthday. Lets consider it an homage.

unMuse II -- for some reason the first time I saw it I immediately began to think of a bunch of Macho Man Randy Savage one liners that I felt would make the perfect soundtrack for that gif. "Oh YEEEAAAHHH!"

Jersey -- What would a family reunion be without a little crazyface action?
Anonymous said…
voodoo curse?