Especially now, where the Paris Hiltons and Justin Biebers of the world can attain certain levels of notoriety before ever getting a television show, movie role, book deal, or recording contract -- it's almost frightening to consider just how much power a Cult of Personality can wield in this modern age.
Not that I'm claiming to stand above it all and judge everyone else from upon high. I've enjoyed my fair share of reality shows. I've seen Kim Kardashian naked. I'm also a regular practitioner in the surely equally manufactured underside of the manufactured fame industry -- the snarky backlash side that keeps these names in rotation and public view, even while we're making fun of them.
Viral Marketing is the new Ninjitsu.It's my belief (based on personal experience and the continued popularity of outlets like TMZ, People magazine, etc) that Americans are by and large the worst offenders of this idolatry worldwide. Our all too materialistic culture is frequently defined by it's extremes -- and in a society where the idea of wealth being the easiest path to happiness, those who not only have achieved success but are wildly popular and visible about it seem to embody the highest level of that kind of ambition for many people.
But I'm continually fascinated by the fact that we're not the only nation who plays this game.

So then you pop their name into Google, or jump on IMDB to see if they've been in anything else you might have heard of and it becomes suddenly apparent that they're actually a huge star in Europe (or wherever), and that the movie you you saw them in was actually just their first attempt to try to break into Hollywood?
There are thriving celebrity systems in many countries across the world that people in this country are for the most part completely unaware of. Mel Gibson's girlfriend (the one he's been yelling obscenities at in those tapes that have been dominating the media lately) is apparently a famous singer in Russia who's written songs for many western artists, including Josh Groban. Rain, star of the recent film flop Ninja Assassin is an absolute superstar in Korea -- wowing audiences with his music, dancing, and acting.
Part of that can easily be blamed on the overabundance of American celebrity news dominating our attention span for such things -- but it's also no secret that historically as a nation, the United States is generally uninterested in things the rest of the world goes crazy for.Names that are all but invisible to audiences over here.
Part of this I imagine is simply lack of exposure. I enjoy international music, authors, and movies -- but I don't always go seeking them out. There's so much media available these days, and I'm at an age where so many of my tastes and preferences have become ingrained that much like choosing a restaurant to go to, seeking international entertainment fare is often a function of mood, of an occasional desire for something new and different.Right or wrong -- from the Metric System to the World Cup, most of us just don't care.
But I'd be lying if I didn't consider the fact that some of it has to be cultural.

It makes you wonder if the reverse is true of internationalIt's well known that a big part of the money that Hollywood films count on these days is from international releases. That even when fickle audiences in the states turn their backs on blockbusters or big name stars that they can still survive based on the returns from foreign theater sales. But do these worldwide audiences spend money on Hollywood films because they genuinely like them, or is it more like the way we all sort of laugh and point at Telemundo?
audiences experiencing American movies, music or TV.
See, recently I got a review of Sting's new album published over at O Hell Nawl. The album itself is a collection of hits spanning Stings career both with the Police and as a solo artist, performed by Sting and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra -- which, despite the possibilities for an interesting new take on these familiar melodies by a talented musician, is actually pretty terrible. Imagine Muzak versions of "Roxanne" and "Every Little Thing She Does is Magic" and you'll get pretty close to what the album sounds like.The reason I bring this up is because I need to understand something:
But along the way to writing the review, I did some research on the record label hoping to get some more details about the disc --
Rock Symphonies is the latest release from David Garrett -- he of the douchetastic sorta-beard and shaved chest.And I stumbled across this.
If you've never heard of this guy, don't feel bad -- because I had no idea who he was either. A quick check of the Wikipedia reveals that he's the current Guinness World Record holder as the world's fastest violinist, the recipient of several international awards including a Golden Camera at the Cannes Film Festival, and a Man of the Year award in 2008 from GQ magazine (in Germany).

Maybe it's because the World Cup just ended, but there's something kind of annoying about the free reign these dudes seem to get just because they have a six-pack and an accent. It's understandable of course, I react the same way over hot chicks -- but here's a guy who already had a calling card. Already had an actual talent. Already was naturally good looking.This is just another piece of evidence to support my theory
that Hot Eurotrash guys can basically get away with anything.
So what's with the spray-on beard there, Davey?It's like someone took Criss Angel and David Spade, threw them in a blender, and poured the results out on a plate filled with sharktooth necklaces and pimp rings.

It's no secret that I have a special bottle of hate stored away for orchestras that do try to do pop/rock music. To a classical music fan like me, it's not only a laughable waste of talent -- but above everything else it's pandering to the highest degree. Nothing's more annoying to me than living in a town with a long-established Symphony Orchestra only to find out that one of their upcoming concert features them performing the music of Michael Jackson. I can understand the need to attract new audiences who's attention is focused elsewhere -- but there's reaching across the aisle and then there's just pretending you're something that you're not.Oh yeah, he’s that guy.
The one thing I do know about living in America is that what frequently seems like our overwhelming taste rarely represents individual likes and dislikes. I can sorta see how if you didn't live in this country you might think that we all love Britney Spears or Tom Cruise or Lady Gaga or Tyler Perry or whatever. Anyone who lives here knows that isn't the case -- but it's fairly easy to see how that impression might come off, especially for people living in a culture outside our own who might look in on American music and movies the same way we approach ordering take out food.But then again, I don't live in Germany.
So my question is this – is it the same internationally?Are there people in Germany who bust out laughing at the sight of this guy? Are there a small but vocal faction of people on his various fan-sites who are all like "He used to be cool?" Is this whole Rock Symphonies thing sort of an embarrassment to people who've been with him since the beginning, where he’s banking on his past glories and good looks to wow his already won-over audience?
Even though many of us are just finding out about David Garrett for the
first time -- Are we just in time to see the dawning of his Fat Elvis stage?
[Listening to: David Bowie - "Strangers When We Meet" ]
I think THAT example answers everything.
I almost suspect he's sort of a jokish "Sterotypical American" to them, and that they're laughing at him too, just in a different way.
WIGSF -- I'd love to argue the point with you and say that no, America is a land that values substance over fluff (I know I certainly do, and feel that most of my friends do as well) but the fact remains that Paris Hilton is famous. Justin Bieber (Beiber's canadian, btw) is a star in this country.
That's sort of my point, though. Do the international stars we do see here in America represent an entire nation's taste, or just their pop sensibilities?
I mean if you think about it, it would be easy to assume that all Canadians love Celine Dion -- and I'm almost certain that's not the case.
Seriously though, everything I'm reading about this David Garrett guy tells me that he's probably the best qualified in the world to play passionate and flawless renditions of Vivaldi and Paganini -- but apparently if I paid to see him in concert I'd have to listen to him play AC/DC songs on the violin?
..yeah, no thanks.
Versinox -- Haha, good one! I was thinking he'd be more at home being one of the guys who hung around Mystery, the goggle wearing pick-up artist -- but I think you might have pegged him there.
Yeah, turns out he's a Canuck. But like Celine and Shania and N********k, you can have 'em. We'll keep Rush and Maestro Fresh Wes.