Epic mosh pit. Get your elbows up, motherfuckers!All that being said -- what the hell, lady!?

Look, I know you've got like 130 friggin' cats under your roof, which clearly makes you a shoe-in for the crazy cat lady hall of fame -- so you probably think you know a little something about taking care of the common household feline -- but take it from someone who knows, behavior like that is gonna get you eaten.
Seriously, cats don't screw around when it comes to stuff like this.Back in the day the oldest of my two cats got tired of seeing me on the couch cuddling and petting on this incredibly sexy girl I was really digging, so when I got up to go refill our drinks she sauntered over to where my date was sitting and proceeded to drop a deuce on her shoulder.
It was only sheer luck that let me see what she was trying to do seconds before it happened, which enabled me to dive across the room like MacGuyver so I could pull the girl to safety -- but that didn't stop her from having a jealous cat jump on her head while she was trying to sleep later that night, or her clothes and shoes from getting shed upon whenever the opportunity presented itself.Not near her. Not close enough so she could smell it like some territorial marking.My cat started to take a dump on my date.

As many of you probably already know, I got my son a beagle puppy for Christmas this year. He's adorable and cute and all the other things that puppies invariably are, but for all his cuteness -- he's also kinda stupid (the pretty ones usually are, amirite ladies?)But if there's anything that proves just how much the cat runs
this house -- it's the shocking discovery I made the other day.
Although he (and I, lets be fair here -- I had to learn a few new habits too) is getting a lot better about knowing where and when to drop off his daily batches of baked goods -- this progress hasn't come without a lot of accidents, carpet stains, and raised voices along the way.To wit, housebreaking him has been a nightmare.

But the other day I came into the living room and found the puppy already in the kennel of his own accord and already giving me the "I done a bad thing, Paw" look. I closed the gate on him, but then when I went looking around the place -- I couldn't find anything. No spots, no stains, no chewed-up stuff of any kind.
In fact, I was just about to let him back out of his makeshift cell when I smelled that familiar foul odor telling me that maybe he had done something. I tracked it down only to realize that he indeed had left a present inside the house.
But it wasn't on the carpet.Damn cat's such a control freak she's telling the dog where to poop now. It's friggin crazy. I've got one of those boxes with the cover. I don't even know how he got his big ass in there, much less how he squeezed back out. But the evidence inside (oh the joys of pet ownership) was undeniable -- he had done the deed where all cats are supposed to, just like she told him to.It was in the litterbox.
Seriously, what other motivation could he possibly have had for doing such a thing?
[Listening to: Sevendust - "Splinter" ]
ps i agree with bef about the you + kitty picture. meow.
WIGSF -- Sounds like you need to sleep with your cat a little more (wait.. what?)
Gem -- If he did it all the time it would be EPIC, but it's so far just an occasional thing. Her whooping his ass whenever he comes close though, that's pretty much constant. Kinda like your poodle farting, apparently ;)
Bef -- In my experience most cats can sniff out people who are naturally uncomfortable or allergic around them, and that's usually the signal for them to CRAWL ALL OVER THEM. It's part of what makes them fun :)
Satorical -- I totally agree. That chicken feed theory is only going to end up in starving some of those animals, and that's completely unacceptable.
Jersey -- the twitchy one, lol. I've got one of those, but years of spoiling has made her kinda fat. I think secretly cat people love the ones who hate or fear everyone but them. It's sort of a private unconditional adoration, you know?
I can't make this cat shit up.
I'm allergic to cats but I don't care. As soon as I can I'm gonna get one.